Bencini Koroll 2 first test

a Black and white photo representing The front of an Alfa Romeo GTV woth its Headlights near the camera
Bencini Koroll 2, Fomapan 400

This camera (namely the Bencini Koroll 2) is a late 70s medium Format compact Camera that belonged to my grandfather adn shoots 120 film in a peculiar format: 45x36mm, why is that? to save on film and have a better quality. From an italian-made Compact camera. With just 1 shutter speed and bulb, 2 apertures and just zone focussing. At least the build quality is good enough and the lenses are in glass. Unfortunately, the coating has worn off so it’s very difficult to get good color photos so I decided it will be used with B&W film only, i have modded it later tho.

Questa macchina fotografica (Bencini Koroll 2) è una compatta italiana medio formata di metà-fine anni 70 che scatta un formato particolare: 45x36mm per risparmiare rullino ad ogni scatto.

A flag thrower's flag handle standing on the ground
A christmas tree inside a train station with a lot of post-its with wishes written on them


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