Memories from Elba (pt 2)

A big panorama picture of a wild Beach of Elba Island with black sand, light brown rocks, the sea on the left, a hill on the right and on top of the hill there is run down old minerary equipment and trees around it
Composed with 5 vertical shots taken with my Nikon D7200 and the Nikkor 35mm f1.8 G (It was my sharpest lens at the time)

Quella foto panoramica nella sua enormità (15354 × 5232 pixel e la bellezza di 110mb in versione esportata al 100% di qualità jpg) è tutt’oggi uno dei miei traguardi fotografici più sentiti e una stampa gigante di quella foto (3mx1m) risiede in camera dei miei genitori e rimango sempre stupito nel vedere i dettagli di quella foto stampati così minuziosamente

That photo in its colossal dimensions (15354 × 5232 pixels and 110mb of size in 100% jpeg quality) is to this day one of my proudest achievements. I have a giant print of that photo (3mx1m) and it lives on the wall in my parent’s bedroom. Everytime i see how much detail there is getting up close to that print i am always left dumbfounded.


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