Nikon CCD experiment

A mysterious and abstract view of a window in a church, the colours are altered to make the church's wood appear pink
Nikon coolpix 4300

Ho fatto queste foto per testare la vecchia compatta di mio padre, una Nikon coolpix 4300, ha ottimi colori e un’ottima nitidezza, specie se comparata a compatte più entry level anche più moderne dotate di CMOS di scarsca qualità. Gli unici difetti di questa macchina risiedono nell’età del sensore: 4mpx sono pochi per tante cose e la tenuta alle alte ISO è praticamente inesistente.

I shot these pictures to test out my father’s old compact camera: the nikon coolpix 4300. It has a very nice and peculiar color rendition and the lens is very sharp, even compared to more modern and cheaper CMOS compact camera sensors. The few downsides this camera are present due to the old age of the CCD sensor: 4mpx produce very little images and the ISOs are a disaster of noise as soon as their value is a bit higher than native.

another abstract view of the same church with slightly different prospective
An abstract photo of the roof above the church
Abstract view of a church's roof with no light coming from the top


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